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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Chiswick shops - who is open for what?
Posted by: Anita Blake
Date/Time: 22/03/20 09:53:00

Paul Barnett, please don't be so rude to other members of this forum particularly when they have made a perfectly reasonable point which you haven't fully understood.

If shops being open kills people then the government should make their closure compulsory. At this stage it may well be that we have more deaths from small business owners taking their own life due to financial ruin than die as a result of someone visiting their premises.

These people are effectively self employed and you need to be aware how difficult it is for someone of that status to get access to state benefits should their business close. Many are already in the situation where they won't be able to cover rent, rates VAT bills and are just continuing to trade to get cash for basis essentials for your family.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Chiswick shops - who is open for what? 21/03/20 14:16:00 Joanna Biddolph
   Re:Chiswick shops - who is open for what? 21/03/20 15:50:00 Richard Potts
      Re:Re:Chiswick shops - who is open for what? 21/03/20 15:55:00 Julian Pavey
         Re:Re:Re:Chiswick shops - who is open for what? 21/03/20 16:00:00 David Grantley
      Re: Hear Hear Richard Potts!21/03/20 16:09:00 Richard Cathcart
      Re:Re:Chiswick shops - who is open for what? 21/03/20 16:20:00 Sam McCourt
   Re:Chiswick shops - who is open for what? 21/03/20 16:02:00 Sam McCourt
      Re:Re:Chiswick shops - who is open for what? 21/03/20 16:33:00 Penny Ledbury
         Re:Re:Re:Chiswick shops - who is open for what? 21/03/20 16:58:00 Karen Liebreich
         Sam (Chief Coffee) & Penny (Chiswick Lighting) Thank You21/03/20 18:32:00 Richard Potts
   Re:Chiswick shops - who is open for what? 21/03/20 16:58:00 Paul Campbell
      Re:Re:Chiswick shops - who is open for what? 21/03/20 17:11:00 Sam McCourt
   Your patriotic duty 21/03/20 17:09:00 Matthew Swain
      Re:Your patriotic duty 21/03/20 17:23:00 Peter Evans
         Completely Irreposible Behaviour21/03/20 18:05:00 Shelagh Lafferty
            Re:Completely Irreposible Behaviour21/03/20 18:13:00 Georgina Flint
               Re:Re:Completely Irreposible Behaviour21/03/20 18:36:00 Shelagh Lafferty
      Re:Your patriotic duty 22/03/20 10:44:00 Mike Firth
   Shop till you drop, Joanna?21/03/20 18:19:00 Ken Munn
      Re:Shop till you drop, Joanna?22/03/20 13:23:00 David Lesniak
   Re:Chiswick shops - who is open for what? 21/03/20 18:51:00 Tessa Russell
      Re:Re:Chiswick shops - who is open for what? 21/03/20 19:20:00 Dan Evans
         Re:Re:Re:Chiswick shops - who is open for what? 22/03/20 08:59:00 Paul Barnett
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Chiswick shops - who is open for what? 22/03/20 09:03:00 Paul Barnett
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Chiswick shops - who is open for what? 22/03/20 09:53:00 Anita Blake
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Chiswick shops - who is open for what? 22/03/20 10:01:00 Loraine Pemberton
                  Reply22/03/20 10:08:00 Andrew OSullivan
                     Re:Reply22/03/20 11:16:00 Ken Munn
      Re:Re:Chiswick shops - who is open for what? 22/03/20 13:42:00 Loraine Pemberton
      Re:Re:Chiswick shops - who is open for what? 22/03/20 16:09:00 Colin Potter
   Re:Chiswick shops - who is open for what? 22/03/20 11:17:00 John Farrant
   Changes to the article22/03/20 17:22:00 Michael Robinson
      Re:Changes to the article22/03/20 17:52:00 Paul Campbell
         Re:Re:Changes to the article22/03/20 18:50:00 Ken Munn
            STAY AT HOME!! 22/03/20 20:35:00 Steve Taylor
         Re:Re:Changes to the article23/03/20 07:49:00 David Lesniak
            Re:Re:Re:Changes to the article23/03/20 07:51:00 Paul Campbell
   Re:Chiswick shops - who is open for what? 23/03/20 06:34:00 John Southey
      Reply23/03/20 07:00:00 Kevin Howard
         Re:Reply23/03/20 07:37:00 Loraine Pemberton
         Re:Reply23/03/20 07:38:00 Paul Campbell
            Re:Re:Reply23/03/20 07:55:00 David Lesniak
               Re:Re:Re:Reply23/03/20 08:02:00 Paul Campbell
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply23/03/20 11:41:00 Janice Evans
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply24/03/20 12:08:00 David Lesniak
            Re:Re:Reply23/03/20 08:00:00 Loraine Pemberton
               Re:Re:Re:Reply23/03/20 10:00:00 Michael Robinson
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply23/03/20 10:14:00 Loraine Pemberton
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply23/03/20 10:23:00 Francis Rowe
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply23/03/20 10:35:00 Michael Robinson
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply23/03/20 11:10:00 Ken Munn
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply23/03/20 11:34:00 Loraine Pemberton
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply24/03/20 18:44:00 Janice Evans
            Re:Re:Reply23/03/20 08:02:00 Mark Evans
         Re:Reply23/03/20 08:15:00 Richard Potts
            Re:Re:Reply23/03/20 12:39:00 Elizabeth Ross
               Doorstep delivery23/03/20 13:01:00 Ken Munn
         Re:Reply23/03/20 15:02:00 Steve Taylor
            Re:Re:Reply23/03/20 15:46:00 Paul Campbell
               Re:Re:Re:Reply23/03/20 16:02:00 Dan Evans
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Reply23/03/20 16:30:00 Steve Taylor

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