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Topic: Re:Chilly’s bottle on planes
Posted by: Jane Rudolph
Date/Time: 20/01/20 15:35:00

I travel with my Chilly bottle no problem.  To answer Richard - I am going to sound like an ad here...I love my Chilly bottle! The un-patterned ones are a bit cheaper than the pretty designs at Ł20 I think (you can get them personalised if you order from Chilly online too).  They really do keep your drink cool (or hot) for 24 hours and are very sturdy and hard to damage - but lightweight too. Even if you are not a fan of cold water, unlike a plastic bottle, you don't end up with horrid tepid water as you can with a plastic bottle in your car for example - and plastic bottles do get manky after a while.  I literally haven't bought water in a plastic bottle since I had mine - I  fill it up at work from the filter tap for during the day there and make sure its full to come home, or at home I fill it and have bought an ice tray with finger shaped ice cubes to drop in the neck of the bottle easily.  You can increasingly find water fountains to fill up for free now all over the place now - certainly at airports and places like Kew Gardens, they offer this.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Chilly’s bottle on planes18/01/20 20:32:00 Sue Gewanter
   Re:Chilly’s bottle on planes18/01/20 20:52:00 Gordon McDonald
      Re:Re:Chilly’s bottle on planes19/01/20 08:38:00 Sue Gewanter
         Re:Re:Re:Chilly’s bottle on planes19/01/20 10:55:00 Jojo Finn
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Chilly’s bottle on planes19/01/20 12:28:00 Sue Gewanter
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Chilly’s bottle on planes23/01/20 02:05:00 Jojo Finn
      Re:Re:Chilly’s bottle on planes19/01/20 23:39:00 Bobbie Carnegie
         Re:Re:Re:Chilly’s bottle on planes20/01/20 09:35:00 Gordon McDonald
      Re:Re:Chilly’s bottle on planes20/01/20 16:06:00 James Wright
   Reply19/01/20 21:52:00 Sean Wales
      Re:Reply20/01/20 13:09:00 Bobbie Carnegie
         Re:Re:Chilly Bottle20/01/20 14:43:00 Richard Greenhough
            Re:Re:Re:Chilly Bottle20/01/20 16:05:00 Sue Gewanter
   Re:Chilly’s bottle on planes20/01/20 15:35:00 Jane Rudolph
      Re:Re:Chilly’s bottle on planes20/01/20 18:15:00 Bobbie Carnegie
   where to fill water bottles airports20/01/20 18:41:00 Sean Wales
      Re:where to fill water bottles airports20/01/20 20:10:00 Philippa Bond
         Re:Re:where to fill water bottles airports20/01/20 21:32:00 Ruth Mayorcas
   Re:Chilly’s bottle on planes21/01/20 14:49:00 Ken Lynch
      Re:Re:Chilly’s bottle on planes23/01/20 06:54:00 James Petri
         Re:Re:Re:Chilly’s bottle on planes23/01/20 18:19:00 Philippa Bond

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