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Topic: Re:Avoid B&Q Chiswick it no longer has toilets for customers, practically no plants in thegarden centre
Posted by: Jim Brown
Date/Time: 18/01/20 11:22:00

"There is a bathroom showroom showing toilet, you can buy a toilet in the store, but there are no customer toilets for use by customers"

It can equally be argued that you can buy condoms in Boots but you can't use them in the store...

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Avoid B&Q Chiswick it no longer has toilets for customers, practically no plants in thegarden centre17/01/20 18:23:00 Mark Julian Raymond
   Re:Avoid B&Q Chiswick it no longer has toilets for customers, practically no plants in thegarden centre17/01/20 19:00:00 N V Brooks
      Re:Re:Avoid B&Q Chiswick it no longer has toilets for customers, practically no plants in thegarden centre17/01/20 19:09:00 Mark Julian Raymond
         Re:Re:Re:Avoid B&Q Chiswick it no longer has toilets for customers, practically no plants in thegarden centre18/01/20 09:33:00 Richard Greenhough
   Re:Avoid B&Q Chiswick it no longer has toilets for customers, practically no plants in thegarden centre18/01/20 11:22:00 Jim Brown
      Re:Re:Avoid B&Q Chiswick it no longer has toilets for customers, practically no plants in thegarden centre19/01/20 23:51:00 Bobbie Carnegie
         Toilet faiclities restored at B and Q Chiswick, B and Q says store is NOT closing21/01/20 11:57:00 Mark Julian Raymond

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