Forum Message

Posted by: Richard Jennings
Date/Time: 26/08/15 00:36:00

So it was the section of Mattock Lane between Flava's and High Street?  As far as I can see from Street View, from the High Street end there is a motorcycle bay, then 8 P&D bays, then a loading bay.  Which bay were you in?  And where were the signs?

This looks to me like a definite case of the suspended bays not being clearly identified.  The only bay which is actually opposite Flava's is the loading bay, which they have arbitrarily decided not to count!

Please send the evidence to me at  If you could also send me the PCN number and your car's reg number, I could see what photos they have taken themselves.  I shall be happy to advise on a further appeal.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
WARNING - DON'T ASK A TRAFFIC WARDEN !!!25/08/15 19:23:00 Jean F Fernandez
   Re:WARNING - DON'T ASK A TRAFFIC WARDEN !!!25/08/15 19:40:00 Thomas Barry
      Re:Re:WARNING - DON'T ASK A TRAFFIC WARDEN !!!25/08/15 20:05:00 Jean F Fernandez
      Re:Re:WARNING - DON'T ASK A TRAFFIC WARDEN !!!25/08/15 21:58:00 Maggie Dodge
         Re:Re:Re:WARNING - DON'T ASK A TRAFFIC WARDEN !!!25/08/15 22:55:00 Richard Jennings
            Re:Re:Re:Re:WARNING - DON'T ASK A TRAFFIC WARDEN !!!25/08/15 23:47:00 Jean F Fernandez
               PCN - Mattock Lane26/08/15 00:31:00 Robin Cox
                  Re:PCN - Mattock Lane05/09/15 22:07:00 Jean F Fernandez
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:WARNING - DON'T ASK A TRAFFIC WARDEN !!!26/08/15 00:36:00 Richard Jennings
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:WARNING - DON'T ASK A TRAFFIC WARDEN !!!26/08/15 01:13:00 Jean F Fernandez
   Re:WARNING - DON'T ASK A TRAFFIC WARDEN !!!04/09/15 21:46:00 Jean F Fernandez
      Re:Re:WARNING - DON'T ASK A TRAFFIC WARDEN !!!04/09/15 22:28:00 Richard Jennings
         Re:Re:Re:WARNING - DON'T ASK A TRAFFIC WARDEN !!!04/09/15 22:57:00 Jean F Fernandez
   Re:WARNING - DON'T ASK A TRAFFIC WARDEN !!!04/09/15 22:12:00 Andrew Craig
      Re:Re:WARNING - DON'T ASK A TRAFFIC WARDEN !!!05/09/15 12:04:00 Maggie Dodge
         Re:Re:Re:WARNING - DON'T ASK A TRAFFIC WARDEN !!!06/09/15 08:40:00 Madeleine Hazard

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