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Topic: Re:New thread for Tories to post repeat questions
Posted by: Ian Fillingham
Date/Time: 30/04/15 10:19:00

While I don't think that your post was referring to me, as I only asked one question on the Brentford forum, I would still like to make a few points.

Firstly, I am not, have never been and probably never will be a member of any political party. My reason for asking the question was because I am genuinely concerned about what concessions Labour will be prepared to make to the SNP in order to put themselves into government. As you should be aware, most forecasts are indicating that no party will have an overall majority, and the only combinations of just two parties that could form a majority will be the highly unlikely Labour/Conservative and Labour/SNP. As coalitions of three or more parties are likely to be virtually unworkable, this leaves two likely scenarios after the election: 1. A Labour/SNP government, or 2. We will all be voting again very soon. My personal view is that Ed Milliband will cave in to SNP demands rather than take his chances in a re-run.

I will admit that I did not actually expect my question to be answered, deals with the SNP is clearly the 'elephant in the room' for Labour, and also the local party seem to have a track record of ignoring the views of constituents.

It may also surprise you to know that I have voted Labour in the past, although this was back in my home city in the East Midlands. Since moving to Brentford, I have come to the conclusion that Labour are self serving parasites with little or no interest in their constituents. I'll leave it for you to decide if this opinion has been unfairly swayed by: 1. The behaviour of the previous parliamentary candidate (of whom the current candidate was a supporter), or 2. The behaviour of the ruling group on Hounslow Council (of which the current candidate is a member).

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
New thread for Tories to post repeat questions29/04/15 11:05:00 Thomas Barry
   Re:New thread for Tories to post repeat questions29/04/15 11:10:00 Julian Pavey
      Re:Re:New thread for Tories to post repeat questions29/04/15 11:15:00 Lorne Gifford
      Re:Re:New thread for Tories to post repeat questions29/04/15 11:20:00 John Connelly
         John Connelly former LBH Leader  29/04/15 11:29:00 John Todd
            Re:John Connelly former LBH Leader  29/04/15 11:34:00 Vanessa Smith
               Re:Re:John Connelly former LBH Leader  29/04/15 11:46:00 John Connelly
                  Re:Re:Re:John Connelly former LBH Leader  29/04/15 20:32:00 Anne Black
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:John Connelly former LBH Leader  29/04/15 21:19:00 Nigel Brooks
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:John Connelly former LBH Leader  29/04/15 21:35:00 Anne Black
               Re:Re:John Connelly former LBH Leader  29/04/15 21:54:00 Alex Thomas
   Re:New thread for Tories to post repeat questions30/04/15 10:19:00 Ian Fillingham

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