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Topic: Re:Re:Burglary on Park Road this afternoon
Posted by: Andy Pease
Date/Time: 17/10/14 09:16:00

Richard, you are correct.The police would not remove a front door if they were attending a burglary.At best, they would force it open if necessary.AndI think you are also correct in your supposition that the occupier is unnwell.

Police get a huge amount of 'abandoned calls'where someone calls 999 but then either says nothing, or asks for police, and then hang up.The BT exchange that the call has come through will then come on line, and give the 999 call taker the address the call has come from, and the subscribers name.

They can also check how many previous 999 calls have been made from that number.If it is a one off, or similar calls have originated from this address where an emergency response has been required, the call will be graded as an I (immediate response) an a car will be sent immediately.

A large number of these abandoned calls come from elderly residents that live alone, and most of those calls are from people that have had falls and cannot get up.In those situations, the police will usually use their 'big red key'to force the front door.But if the door had been completely removed, it suggests the occupir had collapsed on the other side of the door making it impossible to force the door.

To be passing this property, finding the door removed and the police still on scene suggests that the police have called LFB to remove the door, found the occupant unwell and called LAS to take them to hospital, and the police are still on scene awaiting the bording up service to come and secure the house.

This of course maybe totally incorrect, but this is the only reason I can think of that requires the complete removal of the front door.I'd be interested what the cause of the door removal was if not a welfare reason.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Burglary on Park Road this afternoon16/10/14 19:46:00 Jim Wood
   Re:Burglary on Park Road this afternoon17/10/14 00:11:00 Trudie Fuller
   Re:Burglary on Park Road this afternoon17/10/14 00:37:00 Richard Jennings
      Re:Re:Burglary on Park Road this afternoon17/10/14 09:16:00 Andy Pease
         Re:Re:Re:Burglary on Park Road this afternoon17/10/14 09:24:00 Richard Greenhough
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Burglary on Park Road this afternoon17/10/14 10:00:00 Andy Pease
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Burglary on Park Road this afternoon17/10/14 10:18:00 Richard Greenhough
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Burglary on Park Road this afternoon17/10/14 11:36:00 Andy Pease
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Burglary on Park Road this afternoon17/10/14 12:21:00 Richard Greenhough
   Re:Burglary on Park Road this afternoon17/10/14 10:22:00 Sean Wales
      Re:Re:Burglary on Park Road this afternoon17/10/14 10:28:00 Maggie Dodge
         Re:Re:Re:Burglary on Park Road this afternoon17/10/14 11:40:00 Andrew Craig

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