Forum Message

Topic: Re:Pensioners alone at Christmas
Posted by: Leanne Hart
Date/Time: 06/12/10 13:53:00


Yes Pensioners Alone At Christmas (Chiswick Group) is looking forward to celebrating our 26th Christmas Day Party this year.

If you know of any senior citizens on their own on Christmas Day and would like to come to a party, please let us know and we can send them an invitation.

If you are willing to volunteer and help out on the day for a worthwhile cause, contact me and I can post or email you a volunteers form - as Jim mentioned.
We are looking for volunteers to help us setup on Christmas Eve between 2pm and 4:30pm and on Christmas Day between 12pm and 5:30pm.

Any donations or completed forms can be sent to:

Pauline or Leanne Hart
194 Southfield Road
W4 5LD

Cheques should be made payable to "Pensioners Alone At Christmas Chiswick Group".

Or you can telephone: 0208 994 3648
I will try to answer all questions via email at:

Many thanks for all the wonderful support from Chiswick

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Pensioners alone at Christmas19/11/10 11:40:00 gary watson
   Re:Pensioners alone at Christmas19/11/10 15:01:00 Malcolm Peltu
      Re:Re:Pensioners alone at Christmas19/11/10 15:23:00 Marlene Plimley
         Re:Re:Re:Pensioners alone at Christmas19/11/10 16:41:00 Emma Brophy
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Pensioners alone at Christmas19/11/10 19:30:00 Jennifer Jenks
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Pensioners alone at Christmas20/11/10 11:22:00 Sara Nathan
                  Re:Pensioners alone at Christmas20/11/10 11:34:00 Sarah Sharp
                     Re:Re:Pensioners alone at Christmas20/11/10 11:42:00 Sara Nathan
                        Re:Re:Re:Pensioners alone at Christmas20/11/10 14:15:00 Sarah Sharp
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Pensioners alone at Christmas05/12/10 21:04:00 Jim Lawes
   Re:Pensioners alone at Christmas06/12/10 13:53:00 Leanne Hart

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