Forum Message

Posted by: Chris Dadarria
Date/Time: 20/06/10 09:33:00

Is there any reason why there are no police or "traffic" wardens directing trafiic at the Hogarth Roundabout during riush hour?
I've seen queues on the A316 backed up to the Chiswick Bridge, and queues through Grove Park all the way to Hartington Lane.

It seems that everytime the traffic lights are down, or there is a problem at any major intersection, the police are nowhere to be seen.

Certainly with the Hogarth Flyover being currently closed, police could be stationed during rush hour at the Hogarth Roundabout and the intersection of the A4 and Sutton Court Lane to help traffic move through.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
HOGARTH FLYOVER20/06/10 09:33:00 Chris Dadarria
   Re:HOGARTH FLYOVER20/06/10 09:41:00 Maggie Dodge
   Re:HOGARTH FLYOVER20/06/10 12:41:00 Richard Jennings
      Re:Re:HOGARTH FLYOVER20/06/10 14:13:00 Neil Anderson

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