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Topic: Ask Cllr Hanif Khan to Pay your PCNs
Posted by: Jonathan Mabbutt
Date/Time: 22/04/22 13:35:00

On another thread there is the awful story that a former resident who came to visit his Mums Grav, travelling up from Bournemouth, had received 3 PCNS each for £35 for visiting the Staveley Rd New Cemetery.

But it should be Cllr Hanif Khan and now a candidate for Chiswick Gunnersbury, having been rejected by the Labour group to stand in Hanworth Park, who should be paying those fines  along with his fellow Cabinet members, Katherine Dunne, Guy Lambert and Steve Curran.

Khan and his fellow cabinet members enforced these schemes against the wishes of the population of Chiswick, who knew of the issues they would cause.  He said he was listening. Sadly he and colleagues clearly were not.  Well over 80% regularly voted against these schemes, because of the negative impact on their lives and those of their friends and families.  Why should vulnerable people going about their lives suffer and incur unjust fines for the failures of Cllr Khan and his fellow cabinet members to listen.

And when you get to think about it, it is not just these fines for this situation that Cllr Hanif Khan and colleagues should pay, they should pay all those PCNs that have unjustly been issued to Chiswick residents, their friends, families and visitors. 

So if you have an unjust PCN, why not send your PCN and ask Cllr Hanif Khan to pay,  from the Council website his contact details are available and on clicking the email Hanif tab his email is

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Ask Cllr Hanif Khan to Pay your PCNs22/04/22 13:35:00 Jonathan Mabbutt
   Re: LTNs huge success and very popular apparently 23/04/22 19:13:00 Maggie Dodge
   Re:Ask Cllr Hanif Khan to Pay your PCNs ...24/04/22 00:36:00 John Jones

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