Forum Message

Topic: Fit to Fly Covid tests - West London Pharmacy
Posted by: Leslie Wilson
Date/Time: 24/09/21 07:02:00

I'll be grateful for advice regarding the viability of Fit to Fly tests offered by West London Pharmacy:

Has anyone had a test there?

Is it a reliable company?

Is the test offered there accepotable to airlines?

Thanks for any advice offered.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Fit to Fly Covid tests - West London Pharmacy24/09/21 07:02:00 Leslie Wilson
   Re:Fit to Fly Covid tests - West London Pharmacy24/09/21 17:04:00 Anna John
      Reply17/04/22 12:54:00 Isabel
   Re:Fit to Fly Covid tests - West London Pharmacy24/09/21 17:19:00 Stewart Jones
      Re:Re:Fit to Fly Covid tests - West London Pharmacy24/09/21 17:47:00 Simon Tranter
         Re:Re:Re:Fit to Fly Covid tests - West London Pharmacy26/09/21 07:20:00 Leslie Wilson
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Fit to Fly Covid tests - West London Pharmacy04/10/21 15:41:00 Jacqueline Whiston
   Update:Fit to Fly Covid tests - West London Pharmacy03/10/21 04:05:00 Leslie Wilson
      Re:Update:Fit to Fly Covid tests - West London Pharmacy18/04/22 14:42:00 Maureen Yakoubi
   Reply17/04/22 12:55:00 Isabel
      Re:Reply17/04/22 13:47:00 Jayne Thorburn
      Re:Reply17/04/22 14:53:00 Robert Fish
         Reply17/04/22 15:46:00 Isabel
         Re:Re:Reply17/04/22 16:30:00 Robert Fish

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