Forum Message

Topic: RIP Dr. David Budworth MBE
Posted by: Rima Jones
Date/Time: 22/02/19 12:04:00

A much loved, charming and charismatic gentleman who applied himself to the history of Bedford Park and its residents for many years.
Out and about with his camera recording everything that was happening locally. The Timeline, Green Days and meetings. A great pity that he won’t be with us for the transformation of the Piazza in which he was very interested.
He will be greatly missed by many people.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
RIP Dr. David Budworth MBE22/02/19 12:04:00 Rima Jones
   Re:RIP Dr. David Budworth MBE22/02/19 15:35:00 Geoff Hoddinott
      Re:Re:RIP Dr. David Budworth MBE22/02/19 16:14:00 Claire Moran
         Re:Re:Re:RIP Dr. David Budworth MBE22/02/19 17:45:00 Andrew Steed

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