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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Pot Hole Fauconberg Rd
Posted by: Cllr Sam Hearn
Date/Time: 12/12/18 13:23:00

I reported this pothole to Hounslow on the 10th December i.e before this thread began (enquiry ref  E14196717).

There are of course others. Grove Park Gardens is one long hazard with pothole after pothole for unwary cyclists and motor cyclists to come a cropper in. Not to mention car suspensions wrecked. 

What is so sad is if you look on the Hounslow Highways website you will find a map of all the reports that residents have made across the Borough and just how few of them have had anything done about them.

Hounslow Highways have of course repeatedly said that they have all the funding they need to repair all the potholes in the borough. They then mutter behind their hands that this is of course all the potholes that meet their contractual definition of a pothole.

In our 2018 Local Authority Manifesto we Conservatives pledged to put back the £1m stripped out of the Hounslow Highways annual funding by Hounslow Council. This "saving" has of course lost us all something like £500k a year of matched funding from the Treasury. The reinstated £1m would come out of the massive pot of unspent new homes bonus sitting in LBHs accounts.

The Labour Party Manifesto produced two days before election day trumpeted a one off £2m fund to sort out potholes. Not only was this sum not budgeted for but there were as Cllr Guy Lambert has now admitted publically absolutely no calculations behind this sum. It was just a "wet finger in the air" estimate.

If they had asked Hounslow Highways for detailed figures on the potholes back log workload they would of course been told "we have all the funding that we need to repair all the potholes in the borough." Funny old world is'nt it?

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Pot Hole Fauconberg Rd11/12/18 18:41:00 Paul brown
   Re:Pot Hole Fauconberg Rd11/12/18 20:40:00 Rima Jones
      Re:Re:Pot Hole Fauconberg Rd11/12/18 21:07:00 Guy Lambert
         Re:Re:Re:Pot Hole Fauconberg Rd11/12/18 21:28:00 Loraine Pemberton
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Pot Hole Fauconberg Rd11/12/18 22:18:00 Guy Lambert
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Pot Hole Fauconberg Rd11/12/18 22:28:00 Richard Jennings
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Pot Hole Fauconberg Rd12/12/18 08:21:00 Colin Jordan
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Pot Hole Fauconberg Rd12/12/18 13:23:00 Cllr Sam Hearn
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Pot Hole Fauconberg Rd12/12/18 13:42:00 Andy Pease
                           Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Pot Hole Fauconberg Rd12/12/18 23:21:00 Iris Hill
                              Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Pot Hole Fauconberg Rd13/12/18 18:49:00 Andy Pease

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