Forum Message

Topic: Accident junc't A316 and Hartington
Posted by: Paul Jennings
Date/Time: 09/08/18 12:42:00

Nearly taken out by lunatic van driver at traffic lights coming over from Chiswick bridge towards Chiswick school.I was in right hand lane lane when lights changed to red had plenty of time to stop.Van behind going to fast moved to inside lane where a second car had slowed for lights,couldn't stop so he swerved on to the pavement and grass verge where he hit the cabinet containing equip. for traffic lights.No guessing traffic lights now not working.
Luckily as if by magic police car witnessed some/all of it from Hartington Rd.No one injured van driver being held by police.
Time approx 12.20pm.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Accident junc't A316 and Hartington09/08/18 12:42:00 Paul Jennings
   Re:Accident junc't A316 and Hartington09/08/18 12:50:00 Loraine Pemberton
      Re:Re:Accident junc't A316 and Hartington09/08/18 13:06:00 Paul Jennings
         Re:Re:Re:Accident junc't A316 and Hartington09/08/18 13:18:00 Richard Greenhough
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Accident junc't A316 and Hartington09/08/18 13:33:00 Brian Coyle
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Accident junc't A316 and Hartington09/08/18 13:38:00 Richard Greenhough
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Accident junc't A316 and Hartington09/08/18 16:13:00 Sam Whittaker
   Re:Accident junc't A316 and Hartington09/08/18 19:17:00 Graham Holley
      Re:Re:Accident junc't A316 and Hartington10/08/18 08:47:00 Cecile Parfitt

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