Forum Message

Topic: Quantus
Posted by: Claire Moran
Date/Time: 12/07/18 21:28:00

Oh well, another one gone.  Strange as could rarely get a booking there at a convenient time - maybe not due to popularity but more because they didn't have the staff?  Who knows.  Thought it was ok but a bit overrated.  Walking down the High Road today it's a shame to see so many empty shops including all those around the former Lendlease development which is a serious blight on the High Road.  What on earth is happening with that? 

Meanwhile, the council has spent a lot of our money on signpost tombstones arond the are which are simply incorrect and will point people in exactly the wrong way - duh - and are just more ugly and intrusive street furniture including the appallingly situated one on Chiswick Back Common.

The good thing is the trees still look lovely but if CS9 goes ahead, look forward to an awful lot less greenery as they will be chopped and an awful lot of the concrete and hideousness that the council loves.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Quantus 12/07/18 21:28:00 Claire Moran
   Re:Quantus 12/07/18 21:52:00 Alastair Banton
   Re:Quantus 12/07/18 23:26:00 Huw Burford-Taylor
      Re:Re:Quantus 13/07/18 05:55:00 Michael Moran
         Re:Re:Re:Quantus 13/07/18 12:29:00 Rob Reynolds
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Quantus 13/07/18 14:09:00 Richard Jennings

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