Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:Re:Carluccio's
Posted by: John Carter
Date/Time: 21/06/18 17:26:00

Helen, Think about what you've just said.

"Its not a local caff"

Exactly, if it was the local caff owner would probably know somebody locally who could do the job straight away, unfortunately big companies don't operate like that, as annoying as it is. They probably have to go through several procedures, It's annoying I know, but It's to stop fraud and the like. If every manager could get who ever they like in to repair a cooker/Fridge and so forth, (with back handers), every company would be in trouble!

A few smelly bags won't kill you, I'm sure it'll all be gone soon!

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Carluccio's21/06/18 11:09:00 Helen Whitman
   Re:Carluccio's21/06/18 11:28:00 Loraine Pemberton
   Re:Carluccio's21/06/18 11:31:00 Iris Hill
      Re:Re:Carluccio's21/06/18 12:51:00 Rima Jones
   Re:Carluccio's21/06/18 13:52:00 Iris Hill
      Re:Re:Carluccio's21/06/18 15:02:00 Helen Whitman
         Re:Re:Re:Carluccio's21/06/18 16:55:00 Helen Whitman
   Re:Carluccio's21/06/18 17:08:00 John Carter
      Re:Re:Carluccio's21/06/18 17:16:00 Helen Whitman
         Re:Re:Re:Carluccio's21/06/18 17:26:00 John Carter
         Re:Re:Re:Carluccio's21/06/18 17:40:00 Helen Whitman
         Re:Re:Re:Carluccio's21/06/18 17:42:00 Loraine Pemberton
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Carluccio's21/06/18 17:52:00 Helen Whitman
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Carluccio's21/06/18 17:54:00 Peter Evans
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Carluccio's21/06/18 20:40:00 Rima Jones
   Re:Carluccio's21/06/18 20:42:00 Iris Hill
      Re:Re:Carluccio's21/06/18 22:11:00 Rima Jones
         Re:Re:Re:Carluccio's21/06/18 22:51:00 Iris Hill
   Re:Carluccio's22/06/18 18:01:00 Iris Hill
      Re:Re:Carluccio's22/06/18 18:34:00 Loraine Pemberton
         Re:Re:Re:Carluccio's22/06/18 20:28:00 Rima Jones

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