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Topic: Water Leak on Turnham Green Terrace and a Gas hole
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Posted by: Elizabeth Ross
Date/Time: 19/01/12 20:35:00

In November it was noticeable that yet another water leak had appeared by the pedestrian crossing on Turnham Green Terrace and yet it appears that nothing is being done to stop it.  The pavements are always wet and have to be heavily salted on frosty nights so someone is aware!

I thought that when the entire TGT was closed for several weeks a year or so ago, it was because the main had to be replaced and to prevent further unwarranted seepages.  I guess this means more disruption in the not too distant future.

Added to that, 3 days ago 2 fellows from the Gas Board started digging a hole between the 2 roundabouts at the top of Bath Road and for the last 2 days there is a hole and no one on site doing anything.  Is this going to be another long drawn out affair?

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Water Leak on Turnham Green Terrace and a Gas hole19/01/12 20:35:00 Elizabeth Ross
   Re:Water Leak on Turnham Green Terrace and a Gas hole20/01/12 11:10:00 Brian Coyle
      Re:Re:Water Leak on Turnham Green Terrace and a Gas hole20/01/12 12:32:00 Elizabeth Ross
         Re:Re:Re:Water Leak on Turnham Green Terrace and a Gas hole20/01/12 13:55:00 Simon Tranter
      Re:Re:Water Leak on Turnham Green Terrace and a Gas hole20/01/12 20:14:00 Elizabeth Ross
         Re:Re:Re:Water Leak on Turnham Green Terrace and a Gas hole22/01/12 09:56:00 Brian Coyle
         Re:Re:Re:Water Leak on Turnham Green Terrace and a Gas hole22/01/12 10:01:00 Philippa Bond

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