Forum Message

Topic: Re:Place to stop near Windsor/Maidenhead M4?
Posted by: Sandra Allison
Date/Time: 09/08/10 19:41:00

Why not try Windsor Farm shop it has a car park and coffee shop

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Place to stop near Windsor/Maidenhead M4?09/08/10 19:32:00 Elizabeth Jane Daley
   Re:Place to stop near Windsor/Maidenhead M4?09/08/10 19:41:00 Sandra Allison
      Re:Re:Place to stop near Windsor/Maidenhead M4?09/08/10 19:47:00 Elizabeth Jane Daley
         Re:Re:Re:Place to stop near Windsor/Maidenhead M4?09/08/10 20:02:00 Viv Griffith
   Re:Place to stop near Windsor/Maidenhead M4?09/08/10 20:02:00 helen morgan
      Re:Re:Place to stop near Windsor/Maidenhead M4?09/08/10 20:15:00 Elizabeth Jane Daley
         Re:Re:Re:Place to stop near Windsor/Maidenhead M4?09/08/10 20:42:00 Curzon Tussaud
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Place to stop near Windsor/Maidenhead M4?09/08/10 22:20:00 Elizabeth Jane Daley
               Junction 611/08/10 21:13:00 Jo Witter
               Windsor Farm Shop12/08/10 00:24:00 Jim Lawes

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