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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Who will win the leaders debate tonight (based on the economy)
Posted by: Guus Leeuw jr.
Date/Time: 30/04/10 07:24:00

He was convincing when he spoke about no life on the dole. However seeing the Labour's record on this, there is no real question that they failed to implement what must be at the core of their policies.
In the UK we call them Labour, but in Europe we call them Communists or Workers Party. All and sunder for the worker. Big corporation is a no-no, and government is in control. That sums up Labour or Nu-Labour.
That being the case, I cannot see why Labour failed to:
1) actually lessen the number of teenage+stand-alone mothers
2) why it is that the Tories came up with a (half-baked) tax break for married couples, and
3) how Bliar Darling Brown could ever manage to get people off the dole without giving them carots. After 13 years, Brown wakes up to something that was implemented roughly 15 years ago in the Netherlands, and is still operated in Belgium: You don't want to work, you don't get money. It is sometimes factually financially better to be on the dole than to work. Which is a sad but also stupid thing.

Netherlands: Back when I was senior University Student, the then-Government decided it was a good idea to give everybody the chance to re-school themselves. People who studied got the chance to study a new topic and graduate in about 6 months. The Government paid for this provided that you would choose a profession where worker-demand was soring and/or high at the time. This caused for a lot of people to actually find work, and so the burden on the state was doubly decreased: Less Dole + More Income Tax. All in all, it was a good investment, I think.
Belgium: You get dole based on your last salary. This decreases dramatically every 6 months that you're out of a job. It flattens out at minimum dole-wage (after max 2 or 3 years), which is actually less than you can earn on a minimum salary.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Who will win the leaders debate tonight (based on the economy)29/04/10 15:12:00 David Esler
   Re:Who will win the leaders debate tonight (based on the economy)29/04/10 15:14:00 Susann Andersson
      Re:Re:Who will win the leaders debate tonight (based on the economy)29/04/10 15:20:00 David Esler
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                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Who will win the leaders debate tonight (based on the economy)29/04/10 16:48:00 William Beausire
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      Re:Re:Who will win the leaders debate tonight (based on the economy)29/04/10 15:55:00 David Esler
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   Re:Who will win the leaders debate tonight (based on the economy)29/04/10 22:53:00 Todd Richard Feely
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            Re:Re:Re:Re:Who will win the leaders debate tonight (based on the economy)29/04/10 23:03:00 Robin Taylor
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Who will win the leaders debate tonight (based on the economy)29/04/10 23:06:00 Todd Richard Feely
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Who will win the leaders debate tonight (based on the economy)29/04/10 23:55:00 Steve Taylor
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Who will win the leaders debate tonight (based on the economy)30/04/10 00:02:00 Todd Richard Feely
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Who will win the leaders debate tonight (based on the economy)30/04/10 07:24:00 Guus Leeuw jr.
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                           Re:'decisive moment' picture of last nights debate30/04/10 13:35:00 Todd Richard Feely
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