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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Bump n/m XL1900 Smith Corona Electric Typewriter - For Sale
Posted by: Philippa Bond
Date/Time: 22/02/24 13:51:00

Sounds like a promising solution.

I originally learnt to type on a manual typewriter.  We had to type to music on I think one day a week.  Our favourite was the Steptoe & Son theme tune.  Just imagine a whole class typing to that!  In the class there was one electric typewriter which which we could all aspire to using but only the best typists got to use. It was a golfball. How things have changed since then! 

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
XL1900 Smith Corona Electric Typewriter - For Sale07/02/24 17:43:00 Louise Emily Galbraith
   Bump n/m XL1900 Smith Corona Electric Typewriter - For Sale18/02/24 15:13:00 Joy Griffiths
      Re:Bump n/m XL1900 Smith Corona Electric Typewriter - For Sale19/02/24 12:54:00 Sammy Bullard
         Re:Re:Bump n/m XL1900 Smith Corona Electric Typewriter - For Sale20/02/24 12:08:00 Louise Emily Galbraith
            Re:Re:Re:Bump n/m XL1900 Smith Corona Electric Typewriter - For Sale20/02/24 13:09:00 Marlene Plimley
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Bump n/m XL1900 Smith Corona Electric Typewriter - For Sale22/02/24 17:15:00 N V Brooks
            Re:Re:Re:Bump n/m XL1900 Smith Corona Electric Typewriter - For Sale22/02/24 12:50:00 Sammy Bullard
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Bump n/m XL1900 Smith Corona Electric Typewriter - For Sale22/02/24 13:51:00 Philippa Bond
                  Re: XL1900 Smith Corona Electric Typewriter - For Sale22/02/24 18:19:00 Marlene Plimley
                     Re:Re: XL1900 Smith Corona Electric Typewriter - For Sale22/02/24 22:59:00 Philippa Bond
                     Re:Re: XL1900 Smith Corona Electric Typewriter - For Sale26/02/24 19:03:00 Andrew Jones
                        Re:Re:Re: XL1900 Smith Corona Electric Typewriter - For Sale26/02/24 21:03:00 Marlene Plimley
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Bump n/m XL1900 Smith Corona Electric Typewriter - For Sale26/02/24 17:46:00 Jojo Finn
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Bump n/m XL1900 Smith Corona Electric Typewriter - For Sale26/02/24 17:47:00 Jojo Finn
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Bump n/m XL1900 Smith Corona Electric Typewriter - For Sale26/02/24 17:53:00 Chris Dakers
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Bump n/m XL1900 Smith Corona Electric Typewriter - For Sale26/02/24 21:19:00 Louise Emily Galbraith

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