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Topic: Pop up restaurant in Chiswick House astonishing prices
Posted by: Phil Spivey
Date/Time: 12/06/21 22:04:00

I’m a supporter of Chiswick House and feel very lucky to have such a wonderful facility available but I was shocked to see the prices of the new Garden Pavilion restaurant.  £38.50/ 48.50 for a 2/3 course meal and afternoon tea at £34.50 for adults and £17.25 for children is ridiculous.

How can they expect people to pay those prices for an unknown untried offering?

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Pop up restaurant in Chiswick House astonishing prices 12/06/21 22:04:00 Phil Spivey
   Re:Pop up restaurant in Chiswick House astonishing prices 12/06/21 22:20:00 Ken Munn
      Re:Re:Pop up restaurant in Chiswick House astonishing prices 12/06/21 23:02:00 Phil Spivey
         Re:Re:Re:Pop up restaurant in Chiswick House astonishing prices 12/06/21 23:05:00 Simon Temple
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Pop up restaurant in Chiswick House astonishing prices 13/06/21 01:25:00 Dave Green
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Pop up restaurant in Chiswick House astonishing prices 13/06/21 09:58:00 Adrian Irving
   Re:Pop up restaurant in Chiswick House astonishing prices 13/06/21 06:52:00 David Lesniak
      Re:Re:Pop up restaurant in Chiswick House astonishing prices 13/06/21 07:00:00 Loraine Pemberton
   Re:Pop up restaurant in Chiswick House astonishing prices 13/06/21 06:56:00 Adrian Irving
      Re:Re:Pop up restaurant in Chiswick House astonishing prices 13/06/21 07:50:00 Ken Munn
   Re:Pop up restaurant in Chiswick House astonishing prices 13/06/21 08:40:00 Robert Glen
      Re:Re:Pop up restaurant in Chiswick House astonishing prices 13/06/21 11:05:00 Alastair Banton
         Re:Re:Re:Pop up restaurant in Chiswick House astonishing prices 13/06/21 11:48:00 Julian Pavey
         Re:Re:Re:Pop up restaurant in Chiswick House astonishing prices 13/06/21 14:35:00 Stewart Jones
   Re:Pop up restaurant in Chiswick House astonishing prices 13/06/21 12:45:00 Colin Jarvis
      Re:Re:Pop up restaurant in Chiswick House astonishing prices 13/06/21 14:55:00 Simon Pedley
         Re:Re:Re:Pop up restaurant in Chiswick House astonishing prices 13/06/21 15:32:00 Robert Fish
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Pop up restaurant in Chiswick House astonishing prices 13/06/21 20:19:00 Cllr Sam Hearn
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Pop up restaurant in Chiswick House astonishing prices 13/06/21 23:09:00 Stewart Jones

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