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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Fireworks and help for dogs
Posted by: Claire Moran
Date/Time: 30/10/20 23:23:00

Nope, they are not idiots who recognise danger (who else saw the moving morning TV programme of a woman who lost half her face to a firework in her back garden and is now blind in one eye?. Animals are strapped to fireworks by thugs and so injured they have to be put down in horrible pain. It causes cats and dogs incredible stress as it does wildlife.  It is a crime to let fireworks off near livestock but that hasn't stopped horses and other lifestock killing themselves in panic.  We either go for silent fireworks (and yes, they exist) or banning them being sold to the public. only to licensed displays.  A petition re this is before parliament.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Fireworks and help for dogs29/10/20 17:55:00 Leslie Wilson
   Re:Fireworks and help for dogs30/10/20 10:37:00 Roger Talbot
      Re:Re:Fireworks and help for dogs30/10/20 12:27:00 Georgina Flint
         Re:Re:Re:Fireworks and help for dogs30/10/20 13:28:00 Roger Talbot
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Fireworks and help for dogs30/10/20 15:44:00 Georgina Flint
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Fireworks and help for dogs30/10/20 21:47:00 Vivienne Cox
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Fireworks and help for dogs30/10/20 23:23:00 Claire Moran
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Fireworks and help for dogs31/10/20 11:14:00 Janice Evans
   10 proven methods for helping dogs with fireworks 01/11/20 15:17:00 Charlotte Kasner
      Re:10 proven methods for helping dogs with fireworks 01/11/20 15:39:00 Roger Talbot

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