Forum Message

Topic: Re:Thin end of that wedge.............
Posted by: Richard Greenhough
Date/Time: 06/08/20 14:24:00

"But at least they are local - not some faceless bureaucrats sitting in Whitehall who haven't a clue.."

You often get the impression that Hounslow House (and Fortress Lampton before it) is full of faceless bureaucrats who haven't a clue and go out of their way to avoid engaging with local residents.

Local government in this country is a mish-mash with some dedicated people who do their best and a system that frequently stymies them.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Thin end of that wedge.............06/08/20 14:03:00 Vanessa Smith
   Re:Thin end of that wedge.............06/08/20 14:13:00 Peter Evans
   Re:Thin end of that wedge.............06/08/20 14:24:00 Richard Greenhough
   Re:Thin end of that wedge.............06/08/20 15:51:00 Ken Munn
      Re:Re:Thin end of that wedge.............06/08/20 16:21:00 Christopher Hugh Dakers
         Re:Re:Re:Thin end of the dots.06/08/20 16:58:00 Stuart Kerr
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Thin end of the dots.06/08/20 17:08:00 Vanessa Smith
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Thin end of the dots.06/08/20 17:17:00 Alan Clark
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Thin end of the dots.06/08/20 17:30:00 Carl Wynne
         Re:Re:Re:Thin end of that wedge.............06/08/20 18:08:00 Claire Moran
   Re:Thin end of that wedge.............06/08/20 18:08:00 Basil Finnis
      Re:Re:Thin end of the dots 06/08/20 18:27:00 Stuart Kerr
         Re:Re:Re:Thin end of the dots 06/08/20 18:35:00 Claire Moran
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Thin end of the dots 06/08/20 18:53:00 Vanessa Smith
      Re:Re:Thin end of that wedge.............06/08/20 18:56:00 Philippa Bond
         Re:Re:Re:Thin end of that wedge.............07/08/20 00:28:00 Peter Evans

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