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Topic: Re:Re:Temporary visa office at Chiswick Town Hall
Posted by: Loraine Pemberton
Date/Time: 11/08/19 18:13:00

"A little sympathy would have been nicer than ratcheting up feelings against people for whom life is seriously diifciult."

These people are driving new BMW's, Mercedes, Audi SUV's, Range Rovers and other high value luxury cars, they don't pay for parking unless they get PCN and park in Residents Bays, on yellow lines, keep their engines idling whilst their wives and kids queue and the husbands wait by or in their cars thus causing pollution. How exactly is their life 'seriously difficult' when they can afford expensive luxury cars ?

They drop cigarette butts all over the place with food and drinks rubbish left where they drop it. As far as the residents of the terrace of Georgian houses they have my sympathy as the Romanian visitors use their steps to sit on,  let their kids play on and graffiti these properties with chalk. But worst of all they use the area designated on Turnham Green for the Tommy Hollis Memorial as a urinal ! I know this because myself and my many dog owning friends have seen it at first hand every Monday to Thursday inclusive.

All that needed to be done to have prevented the current situation and the adverse publicity was for proper management and security procedures set up, but it wasn't. In addition, why haven't the visitors to this temporary arm of the Romanian Consulate shown any consideration or courtesy to nearby residents ?

For the residents they've adversely affected it is they who've contacted the TG Ward Councillors. I wonder how many of you who've castigated Cllr Biddolph would find such behaviour acceptable if you had to tolerate this on and near to your homes, and how you'd feel if she did nothing about it ?

Maybe ask some questions first and get the facts before casting stones.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Temporary visa office at Chiswick Town Hall11/08/19 11:16:00 Francis Thomas
   Re:Temporary visa office at Chiswick Town Hall11/08/19 13:04:00 Robert Fish
      Reply11/08/19 13:09:00 Carl Wynne
   Re:Temporary visa office at Chiswick Town Hall11/08/19 13:12:00 Robert Fish
      Re:Re:Temporary visa office at Chiswick Town Hall11/08/19 13:15:00 Francis Thomas
   Re:Temporary visa office at Chiswick Town Hall11/08/19 14:58:00 Ruth Mayorcas
      Re:Re:Temporary visa office at Chiswick Town Hall11/08/19 17:56:00 Marek Mika
      Re:Re:Temporary visa office at Chiswick Town Hall11/08/19 18:13:00 Loraine Pemberton
         Re:Re:Re:Temporary visa office at Chiswick Town Hall11/08/19 18:22:00 Peter Evans
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Temporary visa office at Chiswick Town Hall11/08/19 18:30:00 T P Howell
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Temporary visa office at Chiswick Town Hall11/08/19 18:42:00 Paul Campbell
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Temporary visa office at Chiswick Town Hall11/08/19 18:50:00 Loraine Pemberton
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Temporary visa office at Chiswick Town Hall11/08/19 19:10:00 Paul Campbell
                        Re:Re:Temporary visa office at Chiswick Town Hall - reply to PC11/08/19 19:17:00 Loraine Pemberton
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Temporary visa office at Chiswick Town Hall11/08/19 18:45:00 Loraine Pemberton
         Re:Re:Re:Temporary visa office at Chiswick Town Hall11/08/19 18:40:00 Robert Fish
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Temporary visa office at Chiswick Town Hall11/08/19 18:55:00 Loraine Pemberton
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Temporary visa office at Chiswick Town Hall11/08/19 19:04:00 Robert Fish
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Temporary visa office at Chiswick Town Hall11/08/19 19:10:00 Loraine Pemberton
         Re:Re:Re:Temporary visa office at Chiswick Town Hall11/08/19 18:48:00 Will Watson
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Temporary visa office at Chiswick Town Hall11/08/19 19:06:00 Loraine Pemberton
         Reply11/08/19 19:49:00 Carl Wynne
      Re:Re:Temporary visa office at Chiswick Town Hall11/08/19 19:32:00 John Stroud
         Re:Re:Re:Temporary visa office at Chiswick Town Hall11/08/19 21:31:00 Peter Evans

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