Forum Message

Topic: sandra white and eastern workers
Posted by: Andy Wright
Date/Time: 11/04/05 17:47:00

I know i can say for certain that if it was YOUR WAGE being threatened or YOUR BILLS you couldnt pay or YOUR KIDS were going without because a foreign individual ( from whatever nation or colour ) was working illegally.....not paying the right tax ( if indeed paying any tax at all ) after having claimed assylum and claiming benefits....was then able to undercut you and your prices no matter what you did.....YOU WOULD HAVE A VERY VERY DIFFERENT OPINION.
To call me racist is very VERY NIAVE on your part as you dont even know me or anything about me or my background.... for instance i GREW UP in Southall....worked in another country.....dated several lovely women from various countries.
Its people like you ( i bet your also a labour supporter ) who point the finger at normal,tollerant hard working people and scream RACIST because they have the audacity to stand up and point out a problem.... THE VERY SAME PROBLEM THAT IS THREATENING TO THROW OUT TONY AND HIS CRONIES !!!!

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
sandra white and eastern workers11/04/05 17:47:00 Andy Wright
   Re:sandra white and eastern workers12/04/05 03:13:00 Toby Lovern

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