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Topic: Re:Re:Re:John Betjeman
Posted by: Anita Blake
Date/Time: 01/12/15 08:02:00

Hope you got a ticket as it was an exceptional evening. Daniel Mulhall was a brilliant and charming speaker who knew his subject in great depth and had obviously gone to the trouble of doing a lot of research specifically for this talk. He talked not just about WB Yeats but his whole family - father, brother and sisters who were all exceptional in their own way.

I was about to be ashamed of Chiswick when in the Q&A after this really enlightening talk some foolish woman, who was clearly in the wrong place, could only think to question him on the quality of his shoes. However, the area was redeemed by the audience giving the largest round of applause to Mr. Mulhall's witty put down of the rather spitefully worded question.

The ambassador was fully behind the plans to build a Yeats Memorial in Bedford Park saying only that the rest of the family should not be forgotten.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
John Betjeman29/11/15 19:29:00 Fiona Bell
   Re:John Betjeman29/11/15 20:09:00 Elizabeth Jane Daley
      Re:Re:John Betjeman30/11/15 14:10:00 Ann Williams
         Re:Re:Re:John Betjeman01/12/15 08:02:00 Anita Blake
            Re:Re:Re:Re:John Betjeman01/12/15 13:41:00 Tim Lacey
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:John Betjeman01/12/15 13:48:00 Carl Wynne
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:John Betjeman01/12/15 20:24:00 Claire Moran
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:John Betjeman01/12/15 21:17:00 Carl Wynne
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:John Betjeman02/12/15 00:03:00 Claire Moran

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