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Topic: Re:Re:Does selling in the classified section work?
Posted by: Michael Brown
Date/Time: 13/11/15 17:28:00

I advertised some french polish in the classified section of this site about an hour ago. I wondered if this item might be too specialised for a local website, or if anyone viewed this section much; but it was gone within half-an-hour.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Does selling in the classified section work?25/07/15 12:11:00 Johanne Coker
   Re:Does selling in the classified section work?25/07/15 12:42:00 Lynne Bruce
      Re:Re:Does selling in the classified section work?26/07/15 04:48:00 John Martin
         Re:Re:Re:Does selling in the classified section work?26/07/15 09:25:00 Janet Norman
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Does selling in the classified section work?26/07/15 09:57:00 Pamela Smith
   Re:Does selling in the classified section work?26/07/15 13:15:00 Lynne Bruce
   Re:Does selling in the classified section work?27/07/15 17:10:00 Andrew Craig
      Re:Re:Does selling in the classified section work?13/11/15 17:28:00 Michael Brown
         Re:Re:Re:Does selling in the classified section work?11/12/15 20:15:00 Johanne Coker

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