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Topic: Investing in our futures?
Posted by: Alex Thomas
Date/Time: 29/10/15 18:23:00

Some say... the quicker the frail and vulnerable are 'managed out', the more housing and land available for us able-bodied types Surely, that only applies north of Watford only, coz anything south, especially The Big Smoke and surrounding areas is way too expensive for almost all working peeps in the UK anyways. So, to be clear, the stuff being built in and around London are quintessentially investments for the uber-rich, coz paper money is way too volatile for their wad, so they need a tangible, stable, appreciating asset class instead like a new one bed condo on the Goldhawk Road, in the cradle of civilization aka The Bush in the Grand duchy of Hammerschmit & Fool'em. These 'apartments' are not to be confused with actual housing for people who genuinely need a home or roof over their head, although it is easy for us plebs to be fooled into thinking that these types of investments are actually part of the housing stock. Btw, i've seen how my lovely, highly disabled wife has been 'treated' over the years and i certainly wouldn't want to hang around too long if i was in her condition and didn't have the support she gets from a few genuinely compassionate souls she has around her. Associated music.... BLACK SOUL - Prince Buster's All Stars (Fab, 1969).

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Investing in our futures?29/10/15 18:23:00 Alex Thomas
   Re:Investing in our futures?29/10/15 18:28:00 Paul Wright
      Re:Re:Investing in our futures?29/10/15 18:29:00 Paul Wright
         Re:Re:Re:Investing in our futures?29/10/15 18:52:00 Alex Thomas
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Investing in our futures?29/10/15 18:56:00 Paul Wright
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Investing in our futures?29/10/15 19:16:00 Brian Coyle
   Re:Investing in our futures?29/10/15 21:41:00 Claire Moran
      Re:Re:Investing in our futures?29/10/15 22:37:00 Alex Thomas

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