Forum Message

Topic: Re:PEANUT, a Jack Russell Terrier missing  from the W6 area
Posted by: Loraine Pemberton
Date/Time: 14/08/15 13:50:00


He's lovely and you must be very worried, where exactly did he go missing?

Also have you contacted Tony Bull hounslow's warden - he's very efficient.

If you think if would help I'm happy to go and search where he went missing.


Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
PEANUT, a Jack Russell Terrier missing  from the W6 area14/08/15 11:19:00 Carol Burge
   PEANUT -  Jack Russell - PHOTO here14/08/15 12:36:00 Delilah Hall
      Re:PEANUT -  Jack Russell - PHOTO here14/08/15 15:55:00 Richard Greenhough
         Re:Re:PEANUT -  Jack Russell - PHOTO here14/08/15 21:57:00 David Marles
   Re:PEANUT, a Jack Russell Terrier missing  from the W6 area14/08/15 13:50:00 Loraine Pemberton
      Re:Re:PEANUT, a Jack Russell Terrier missing  from the W6 area14/08/15 14:12:00 Carol Burge
         Re:Re:Re:PEANUT, a Jack Russell Terrier missing  from the W6 area14/08/15 14:15:00 Loraine Pemberton
            Re:Re:Re:Re:PEANUT - has been found! 17/08/15 10:32:00 Loraine Pemberton
               PEANUT - has been found! 17/08/15 10:52:00 Delilah Hall
                  Re:PEANUT - has been found! 17/08/15 13:18:00 Carol Burge

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