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Topic: Why no reduction in energy costs ?
Posted by: Andy Pease
Date/Time: 16/06/15 13:57:00

So, the CEO's of all the major power generating companies told us that they couldn't possibly cut prices for their consumers because of Ed Milibands threat that he would force them to make changes, and that they had to keep all the extra money they were making from reduced fuel costs to pay for Eds demands.So, now that Ed is no longer a threat, why are power bills not falling ?

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Why no reduction in energy costs ?16/06/15 13:57:00 Andy Pease
   Re:Why no reduction in energy costs ?16/06/15 14:04:00 Julian Pavey
      Re:Re:Why no reduction in energy costs ?16/06/15 14:07:00 Andy Pease
   Re:Why no reduction in energy costs ?16/06/15 14:08:00 Jonathan Bingham
   Re:Why no reduction in energy costs ?16/06/15 14:21:00 Vanessa Smith
   Re:Why no reduction in energy costs ?16/06/15 14:34:00 Ed Yelland

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