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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Post Miss Naismith, what about Holland & Barrett man?
Posted by: Janet Norman
Date/Time: 14/02/15 11:24:00

He used to put up his tent in Gunnersbury Triangle until he was moved on and for a while his tent was placed behind the carpet shop, just besides the entrance to Sainsbury's.
He does ask for 'any spare change' but in such a quiet voice you wouldn't hear him unless you knew to listen out.
He heats his food up on a camping gas stove and although he certainly looks as though he might have been in the army another homeless person told me that he never has been so I'm not so sure. He will not accept any food parcels as he thinks someone is out to poison him but is always grateful for a couple of quid.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Post Miss Naismith, what about Holland & Barrett man?13/02/15 22:42:00 Ken Munn
   Re:Post Miss Naismith, what about Holland & Barrett man?13/02/15 22:47:00 Pete Mayes
      Re:Re:Post Miss Naismith, what about Holland & Barrett man?13/02/15 22:55:00 Colin Wren
         Re:Re:Re:Post Miss Naismith, what about Holland & Barrett man?13/02/15 23:02:00 Julian Pavey
   Re:Post Miss Naismith, what about Holland & Barrett man?13/02/15 23:07:00 Stephen Scott
      Re:Re:Post Miss Naismith, what about Holland & Barrett man?13/02/15 23:16:00 Julian Pavey
         Re:Re:Re:Post Miss Naismith, what about Holland & Barrett man?14/02/15 04:46:00 Dan Murphy
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Post Miss Naismith, what about Holland & Barrett man?14/02/15 11:24:00 Janet Norman
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Post Miss Naismith, what about Holland & Barrett man?14/02/15 12:36:00 Carl Wynne
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Post Miss Naismith, what about Holland & Barrett man?14/02/15 13:30:00 Maggie Dodge
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Post Miss Naismith, what about Holland & Barrett man?14/02/15 18:45:00 Jenn Irvine
                        What about the man under the Chiswick M4 flyover?15/02/15 10:53:00 Anne England
                           Re:What about the man under the Chiswick M4 flyover?15/02/15 10:59:00 S Powell
                              Re:Re:What about the man under the Chiswick M4 flyover?15/02/15 18:56:00 Anne England
                                 Re:Re:Re:What about the man under the Chiswick M4 flyover?15/02/15 19:10:00 S Powell
                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:What about the man ...15/02/15 21:45:00 Fay Kazemi
                                       Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:What about the man ...15/02/15 21:53:00 bobby osborne

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