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Topic: Re:Rubbish bags still not collected on Wilton Ave
Posted by: George Kyron
Date/Time: 01/12/14 10:08:00

Rubbish still on the street, bags have been ripped up by the local wildlife with all sorts of bones scattered around the footpaths - not good at all especially with the number of dogs that could potentially pick them up and injure themselves by swallowing them. Walking around Chiswick it seems that Wilton Ave is one of the only streets that hasn't had their rubbish collected since last Wednesday...

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Rubbish bags still not collected on Wilton Ave28/11/14 14:21:00 George Kyron
   Re:Rubbish bags still not collected on Wilton Ave01/12/14 10:08:00 George Kyron
   Re:Rubbish bags still not collected on Wilton Ave01/12/14 15:38:00 Iris Hill
      Re:Re:Rubbish bags still not collected on Wilton Ave04/12/14 07:33:00 Philippa Bond
         Re:Re:Re:Rubbish bags still not collected on Wilton Ave04/12/14 07:38:00 Rob Reynolds
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Rubbish bags still not collected on Wilton Ave04/12/14 20:58:00 Rob Reynolds
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Rubbish bags still not collected on Wilton Ave05/12/14 18:36:00 Rupert Holderness

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